Training Sprints for Disability Advocates

Training Sprints. Advance your disability advocacy skills.
Training Sprints. Advance your disability advocacy skills.

Table of Contents

Training Sprints for Disability Advocates

Creating policy change can feel like running a marathon. Sometimes, however, we need to sprint into action. TCDD offers a variety of opportunities to expand your knowledge of disability issues and advance your leadership and advocacy skills. We are happy to announce that we are now offering virtual training opportunities for people wanting to gain advocacy skills in only four weeks!

This new Training Sprints series is perfect for self-advocates, family members, and community allies who want to advance their advocacy skills in a fast-paced environment. Each week of the program consists of:

  • two hours of live sessions, and
  • two to three hours of self-paced modules, homework, and discussion board posts.

New training topics will follow the disability advocacy needs of our state. Our goal is to educate and uplift self-advocates, family members, and community allies so they can become leaders, share their stories, and establish advocacy initiatives to improve the lives of Texans with developmental disabilities. You can register for one or both sprint curriculums during each series. Pre-register today for our first sprint series.

Sprint Series 2024

Series 1: Jan. 22 – Feb. 16, 2024 
Passion to Presentation
Live sessions: Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. CT
Pre-register for this series

Learn public speaking skills, how to engage an audience, and how to deliver messages effectively and efficiently! Establish a speaking outline on your topic of choice, perform research to support your message, and identify your public-speaking strengths.

Seek, Secure, and Serve
Live sessions: Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. CT
Pre-register for this series

Learn how to become a community leader who can effect change for people with disabilities! Create an application package that includes a resume, cover letter, and personal brand pitch. You’ll also connect with disability-related organizations seeking new leaders.

Series 2: April 1-26, 2024   

Pre-registration for Series 2 will be available in January 2024.

Talk the Talk
Live sessions: TBD
Expand and polish your public speaking skills! Build a strong network of fellow disability speakers to provide ongoing feedback, support, and opportunities to put your skills into action.

Mission: Take the Lead 
Live sessions: TBD
Capitalize on your leadership abilities and learn how to be an active member of a board, committee, commission, or other organization! Create a personal leadership vision board and a goal statement. You’ll also learn how to navigate the standard protocols and procedures of leadership such as Robert’s Rules of Order.



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