Grantee Resource Center

Access information, forms, resources, and video tutorials to help manage your grant.

Table of Contents

Grants Manual

The Grants Manual (PDF, 85 pages, 734 KB) is designed to help grantees administer their grants. The manual provides information on program policies and procedures, financial regulations, financial guidelines, and more.

Email Alerts Archive

View previous emails from TCDD Grants Management, including action alerts, compliance alerts, and information updates. These communications provide important and timely information related to your project. 

Quarterly Program Performance Report (QPPR)

The Quarterly Program Performance Report (QPPR) is the required quarterly report that grantees with a potential project period of more than one year must submit to TCDD to report completed work and progress toward achieving the goals and objectives outlined in their project’s work plan. In each QPPR, grantees report project activities that occurred during the reporting period. Some grantees may have fewer than three months of activities to report in a given quarter if their grants started after the beginning of the reporting period or concluded before the end of the reporting period.

Grantees must submit QPPRs using the following reporting cycle:

Fiscal Quarter
Reporting Period
QPPR Due Date
Quarter 1
Oct. 1 to Dec. 31
Jan. 15
Quarter 2
Jan. 1 to March 31
April 15
Quarter 3
April 1 to June 30
July 15
Quarter 4
July 1 to Sept. 30
Oct. 15

We understand the challenge of keeping up with progress reporting requirements while managing other aspects of a grant project, so we’ve created information and training resources to help:

  • The QPPR Preview document (.docx file, 52 KB, 23 pages) allows you to preview the questions in the QPPR Qualtrics survey.  
  • The webinar recording, “Participant Count and Performance Measures,” covers required data and evaluation metrics, available survey tools, and strategies to improve participant response.

Grant Continuation Application

Continuation funding is an extension or renewal of existing project funding for one or more additional budget periods that would otherwise expire. Organizations awarded TCDD funding must apply for continuation funding each year. Continuation proposals are generally due about three months before the end of the grant year. Grantees use project-specific access codes to complete their continuation applications through our Qualtrics platform. Your TCDD grant coordinator can provide additional guidance.    

The Grant Continuation Application Preview document (.docx file, 30 KB, 9 pages) allows you to preview the questions in the continuation application.

Advocacy Activity & Satisfaction Surveys

Advocacy activity and satisfaction surveys help us learn more about people with DD and families who participate in grant-related activities. They also help us track outcomes and learn more about how we can continue supporting Texans with DD and their families. Grantees use project-specific survey links to submit advocacy activity and satisfaction surveys through our Qualtrics platform. Your TCDD grant coordinator can provide additional information on how to access and share survey links.  

Final Grant Closeout Report

Use the following survey link to submit a Final Grant Closeout Report. You can also download and review the report survey questions.

Final Grant Closeout Report Survey 
Survey Questions (PDF)

Grantees must submit a final grant report in their last year of funding that details the impact and outcomes of their TCDD-funded projects. The final report is due no later than 60 days after the end of the project period. 

Grantee Summit

Find previous recordings and materials from the Grantee Summit, an annual virtual event that connects grantees across the state to learn, collaborate, and advance their grant management skills. 

How-To Videos

View short videos to learn more about submitting quarterly program performance reports, making requests for advance or reimbursement, meeting match requirements, and more. 

TCDD Funding Disclaimer

All materials created for your grant project must display the following disclaimer. Please contact your TCDD grant coordinator if you have any questions or if you need the disclaimer in a different language or format. 


This work is supported by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities through a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, D.C. 20201, with a 100% federal funding award totaling $6,175,796. Council efforts are those of the grantee and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor are endorsed by ACL, HHS, or the U.S. government.


Este trabajo cuenta con el apoyo del Consejo de Texas para Discapacidades del Desarrollo mediante una subvención de la Administración para la Vida Comunitaria (ACL) de los Estados Unidos, Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS), Washington, D.C. 20201, con una subvención 100% financiada con fondos federales por un total de $6,175,796. Los esfuerzos del Consejo son los del beneficiario y no representan necesariamente los puntos de vista oficiales o un aval de ACL, HHS o el gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

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