
Employment resources for people with developmental disabilities.

Table of Contents

People with developmental disabilities (DD) have the right to pursue and obtain meaningful employment with competitive wages, job training, professional growth, and career enhancement. Opportunities for employment in the community and the supports needed to seize those opportunities, including education about benefits maintenance, must be readily available to people with disabilities without discrimination or segregation.

TCDD’s Contributions to Employment

The following TCDD-funded projects expanded opportunities for people with DD to access competitive and integrated employment:

Public Policy

The Council’s purpose in law is to encourage policy change so that people with disabilities have opportunities to be fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. Employment is integrated into TCDD’s Public Policy Priorities, stated below.

Ensure Texans with disabilities have access to competitive and integrated employment opportunities. Texans with disabilities deserve access to competitive and integrated employment opportunities. Texas should strictly adhere to the state-adopted Employment First Policy by addressing barriers to community-based employment by expanding training, supported employment, and opportunities for advancement, including funding Medicaid waivers that offer employment supports.


Practical Skills for Workplace Preparation, Part 1: Resume Writing
This virtual training provides practical strategies for creating effective resumes and determining key skills and experiences to highlight. Led by Dr. Lakshmi Mahadevan, associate professor and extension specialist for special populations at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, the session was part of a three-part workshop series that covered practical job-seeking strategies such as resume writing, interview preparation and skills, and professionalism in the workplace.

Resume Writing Facebook Live recording

Resume Writing Presentation slides (PDF, 1 MB, 12 pages)

Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying (PDF, 338 KB, 5 pages) happens when someone is mean toward a coworker on an ongoing basis. This informational sheet explains workplace bullying, how to recognize it, and how to end it. Additional information about workplace bullying is available on the TCDD website.

SSI and SSDI Informational Videos

The videos below will answer most of your questions about using Social Security Work Incentives and direct you to professionals who can help support you. They also provide information about advocacy, employment networks, and benefits counseling to assist you in your job search.

  • SSDI and SSDI Work Incentives: This webinar was developed in English and translated into Spanish
  • SSI and SSI Work Incentives: This webinar was developed in English and translated into Spanish
  • Answering the Big Question – If I Go to Work, Will I Lose My Medicaid or Medicare: This short video was developed in English and translated into Spanish
  • Debunking the Three Biggest Myths About SSI and Work: This short video was developed in English and translated into Spanish


Employment First One-Pager

Texas law and policy state that earning a living wage through competitive integrated employment is the first and preferred outcome for adults with disabilities who receive public benefits. This Employment First Fact Sheet (PDF, 516 KB, 2 pages) fact sheet provides information about Employment First and makes the case for increasing competitive integrated employment in Texas.