Any organization that meets the requirements in the Request for Applications (RFA) may apply. Types of organizations could include:
The organization that applies for a grant must administer the grant and also receive, disburse, and account for grant funding.
Individuals may not apply for a grant or stipend.
One organization may have up to three TCDD grants at any one time. This does not include TCDD stipends. Grantees having three current grants with at least one ending within six months after the deadline to respond to the RFA may still apply.
Universities or other organizations who require institutional review board (IRB) approval must share the organizations’ expedited review timelines.
To apply, please complete an RFA submission form. Please indicate which RFA you are requesting an application for. After we receive your request, we’ll email you an online application. All applications must:
The required forms consist of multiple sections:
All forms requiring signatures must be signed by an authorized official before submission.
Deadline to Submit Applications
Applications must be received by TCDD no later than the submission deadline. Late applications will not be considered. Technical difficulties will not result in a deadline extension.
Delivery of Application
The online application must be completed and submitted electronically as dictated through the TCDD website. Applications submitted by any other method (mail, email, facsimile, or telephone) will NOT be considered.
The application must include all required signatures.
Applications received after the deadline will NOT be considered.
All applications become the property of TCDD after the submission deadline and will not be returned to the applicant. Applications will be subject to state rules for public information requests. Applicants would be notified of all public requests related to their application.
Alterations, Modifications, and Withdrawals
Prior to the deadline to submit applications, an applicant may:
TCDD may request application modifications at any time.
TCDD staff review applications upon submission for compliance with the requirements of the RFA and to ensure that all sections are complete and all calculations are accurate. Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the requirements of the RFA will not be considered.
An independent review panel of three to five people with expertise related to the RFA reviews the applications. The panel’s review focuses on the quality of the proposed plan, the feasibility of completing the plan, and how well the proposed project may move TCDD closer to meeting the TCDD state plan goals and objectives. The panel will only consider the contents of the application. The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals:
Preference will be given to proposals that:
The TCDD Executive Committee reviews information related to the steps in the previous sections and makes the final funding decisions. If you have received a grant in the last five years, TCDD staff will inform the Executive Committee about your performance on the past project.
TCDD may give priority to proposals that address the needs of people who are unserved or underserved. This may include:
TCDD will notify each successful applicant of its selection to receive an award. The dollar amount awarded to each apparent awardee depends on the:
Any award resulting from this RFA will be funded on a cost-reimbursement basis and only to the extent the grantee commits, uses, and reports approved project funds and required match funds within each expenditure and match reporting period.
Under the cost-reimbursement method, the grantee must initially pay for project activities using its own funds. TCDD then issues reimbursement payments to the grantee on a monthly basis for reported actual cash disbursements supported by adequate documentation. All reimbursement requests must be submitted within 90 days of service or be at risk of reduced reimbursement, denial, or loss of continuation funding opportunities.
All costs funded by the grant must be allowable, allocable, and reasonable. Grant applications must be supported by a detailed and realistic budget.
Before finalizing any agreements, TCDD may enter negotiations with each successful applicant to determine the:
Reimbursement is made only for allowable and reported expenses the grantee incurs within the grant term.
The negotiation phase involves direct contact between the apparent awardee and TCDD representatives and may be conducted by phone, email, or in person.
Apparent awardees may expect in-depth discussions of the application and proposed project as well as requests for clarification or additional detail regarding the application and proposed project to determine whether expenses are allowable, reasonable, and necessary for project outcomes.
Final funding amounts and award terms are determined at the sole discretion of TCDD and must be approved per the award recipient signing the notice of grant award (NGA) prior to issuance.
TCDD reserves the right to cancel, make a partial award, or decline to award a grant under this RFA at any time at its sole discretion.
Grantees must provide a matching contribution each year. This may include funding from non-federal sources, volunteer hours, and other “in-kind” donations such as office space and utilities.
Other federal funds may not be used as match. Items or funds that are used for match for another federally funded project may not be used as match. TCDD prefers that the amount of match increases each year of the project, and submission of additional match is encouraged.
The percentage of match expected for non-poverty counties and for poverty counties is provided in the following section. View the match calculator (zip file, 11 KB).
Poverty counties are counties in which at least 20% of the people in the county live in poverty. View the list of poverty counties (PDF, 954 KB).
Organizations that are awarded funding must apply for continuation funding each year. Continuation funding will not exceed the maximum per-year funding amount stated in the RFA. Continuation funding is based on the availability of TCDD funds and a review of:
Continuation funding is not automatic. TCDD may choose not to award continuation grants. Continuation proposals are generally due about three months before the end of the grant year.
Grantees are expected to conduct project activities and request reimbursement within the agreed upon award timeline in order to meet federal requirements for expenditure of funds within our performance period. Administrative delays that significantly impact the grant timeline may result in a change in budget period or reduction of funds. Universities that require approval from an institutional review board (IRB) must provide details on the timeline for expedited approval.
Grantees must submit progress reports quarterly. Grantees must submit financial documents monthly, including reimbursement requests. Grantees must also provide:
Failure to meet reporting and spending requirements may impact continuation or future grant awards.
Grantees may be asked to provide information about public policy implications and sustainability in the application for continuation funding.
TCDD supports the establishment of a project advisory committee (PAC) for all or part of a project period, although a PAC is typically not required. TCDD may determine the need for the grantee to establish a PAC to help the project produce outcomes that are consistent with the RFA goals.
TCDD will serve as a resource to support grantees to be successful. Grantees may be asked to participate in grant-management training during the project period. Grantees may also receive calls from TCDD staff about outcome and performance measures, public policy issues that relate to a grantee’s project, products produced, and project events (if applicable).
All grantees must attend a new grant kickoff meeting with TCDD. An in-person kickoff meeting is not required; however, travel costs for this kickoff meeting should be included in the budget if the meeting will take place in person. If a grantee’s project is funded for additional years, the grantee may be asked to give a presentation about the project’s progress at a quarterly TCDD Council meeting. Kickoff meetings and Council meetings should be factored into grantees’ annual budgets. TCDD may share opportunities for a grantee to present at state or national conferences.
Grantees will work with TCDD to develop and execute a communications plan for their projects. Plans could include promoting grantee activities through external communications, raising awareness about products created as part of the project (if any), and developing required stories about the project’s impact at both the community and personal levels.
All communication products must be approved by TCDD prior to any external release or publication.
All grantees must adhere to the TCDD Grants Manual (PDF, 85 pages, 734 KB), which provides information related to program policies and procedures, financial regulations, financial guidelines, and more.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 45, Part 75
Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (PDF, 64 pages, 364 KB)
Poverty Counties in Texas (PDF, 6 pages, 954 KB)
RFA Budget Example (zip file, 153 KB)
RFA Budget Instructions (zip file, 63 KB)
Statutory and Program Assurances for Grant Awards (PDF, 2 pages, 189 KB)
TCDD Grants Manual (PDF, 85 pages, 734 KB)
TCDD Match Calculator (zip file, 11 KB)
All requests, questions, or other communication regarding an RFA must be emailed to TCDD at TCDD does not respond to questions related to ideas, scope, or content of specific projects. TCDD will post all questions and responses related to the RFA on the website by the designated date.
6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
Phone: 512-437-5432
Toll-Free: 1-800-262-0334
TCDD welcomes innovative ideas and suggestions of activities to implement the Goals and Objectives in the TCDD State Plan.
Email or complete the online feedback form to submit your ideas.
6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
Phone: 512-437-5432
Toll-Free: 1-800-262-0334
TCDD is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for everyone. We continually work on compliance, applying best practices and web standards. To learn more, read our accessibility statement.
6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
This work is supported by a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, D.C. 20201 with a 100% federal funding award totaling $6,175,796. Council efforts are those of the grantee and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor are endorsed by ACL, HHS, or the U.S. government.