Texas Legislative News: March 25, 2025

Illustration of Capitol dome exterior and text that says Texas Legislative News
Illustration of Capitol dome exterior and text that says Texas Legislative News

Table of Contents

Welcome to the latest edition of Texas Legislative News for the 89th Texas Legislature. In this regular feature, we provide information on disability-related issues and bills under consideration at the State Capitol. We also explain how lawmakers conduct business, and we share details on upcoming TCDD events.

Advocates Urge Bold Action on Funding Special Education

Parents, educators, students, and disability advocates from across Texas gathered at the State Capitol for a press conference on Wednesday, March 19, to urge lawmakers to take bold action and invest in special education funding.

“For too long, students with disabilities in Texas have been shortchanged by a system that has failed to provide them with the funding they need to succeed,” Sabrina Gonzalez Saucedo, director of public policy and advocacy for the Arc of Texas, said during the event.  

Texas underfunds special education by $1.7 billion per year, putting immense financial strain on schools as they strive to serve all students. Many districts have to use general education funds to cover special education costs. Groups such as the Autism Society of Texas and the Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education have called for lawmakers to fully fund special education and close the annual $1.7 billion shortfall.

Rep. Steve Toth spoke during the event, calling for his colleagues this session to prioritize funding for special education students.

“Now’s the time to do it,” Toth said. “We can change the trajectory of millions of lives if we would only fund this now.”

To view a recording of the press conference, visit the House website.

TCDD Marks Legislature’s Halfway Point

On Monday, March 24, TCDD hosted the “Texas Legislative Halftime Update.” The hourlong webinar featured TCDD public policy staff sharing an overview of disability-related bills lawmakers are considering during the legislative session. In case you missed it, here’s a recording of the webinar.

Sign Up for TCDD’s April Office Hours at the Capitol

On Wednesday, April 9 and Wednesday, April 23, TCDD will offer in-person office hours at the Capitol. The office hours will take place from 1-3 p.m. Central time. During these 30-minute meetings, TCDD staff can help you with your advocacy goals for the session. This assistance may include: 

  • answering questions about the legislative process;
  • accompanying you to meetings with your lawmakers or their staff;
  • helping you prepare legislative testimony; and
  • helping you prepare a personal “elevator speech.”    

You can use our online sign-up sheet to schedule meetings for the April dates. When scheduling a meeting, please indicate your availability for the times and dates listed on the sign-up sheet. We’ll follow up with you to confirm your meeting’s time and location. Meetings should not be considered scheduled until you have received confirmation from TCDD staff. Availability may be limited depending on demand.

Five Hearings To Watch

The following section includes a sample of the hearings we’re monitoring this week. During these hearings, legislative committees may consider important disability-related issues. You can find live and archived broadcasts of committee hearings on the House and Senate websites. A full list of upcoming hearings can be found on the Capitol website.

The House Committee on Human Services held a hearing (PDF) on Tuesday morning, March 25. The committee discussed a variety of bills, including:

  • House Bill (HB) 2358 by Rep. Candy Noble, relating to training required or offered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission for long-term care facility surveyors, personnel, and providers as well as providers in intermediate care facilities for people with developmental disabilities and related conditions.
  • HB 2807 by Rep. Toni Rose, relating to the statewide intellectual and developmental disability coordinating council. This was featured as a TCDD Bill of the Week.    

The House Committee on Higher Education held a hearing (PDF) on Tuesday morning, March 25. The committee heard testimony on a variety of bills, including:

  • HB 271 by Rep. Mary González, relating to a report by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding enrollment and success in higher education for students with disabilities.    

The House Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence will hold a hearing (PDF) on Wednesday morning, March 26. The committee will hear public testimony on a variety of bills, including:

  • HB 1239 by Rep. Ryan Guillen, relating to preliminary examination periods for mental health protective custody.
  • HB 1938 by Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Campos, relating to preliminary examination periods for mental health protective custody as well as criteria and duration of certain court-ordered mental health services.
  • HB 3163 by Rep. Jeff Leach, relating to the county in which an application for court-ordered mental health services must be filed.    

The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will hold a hearing (PDF) on Wednesday morning, March 26. The committee will hear testimony on a variety of bills, including:

  • Senate Bill (SB) 481 by Sen. Carol Alvarado, relating to emergency preparedness and response plans for the continued care and safety of residents in nursing facilities and assisted living facilities.
  • SB 760 by Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, relating to vote-by-mail ballot applications sent by certain residents of an assisted living facility, a nursing facility, or an intermediate care facility.
  • SB 1368 by Sen. Borris Miles, relating to an emergency preparedness and contingency operations plan, including temperature regulation, for residents of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities during emergencies.    

The House Committee on Transportation will hold a hearing (PDF) on Thursday morning, March 27. The committee will hear testimony on a variety of bills, including:

  • HB 1936 by Rep. David Cook, relating to citations issued for the unauthorized use of parking designated for people with disabilities.

Bill Filings

The final week leading up to the session’s March 14 filing deadline saw the introduction of nearly 3,000 additional bills. Proposals filed in the final days that relate to disability issues include:

  • HB 5002 by Rep. John Lujan, relating to a study and pilot program on the identification and interventions provided to children with dyslexia who are committed to juvenile facilities.
  • HB 5063 by Rep. Josey Garcia, relating to tuition and fee exemptions for former foster children with intellectual disabilities to attend comprehensive transition and postsecondary programs at a public institution of higher education.
  • HB 5239 by Rep. Penny Morales Shaw, relating to requiring certain governmental entities to allow interested people to comment on the proposed adoption or revision of certain emergency management plans.
  • HB 5262 by Rep. Mary González, relating to the establishment of a school health and related services program advisory council.
  • HB 5275 by Rep. Mary González, relating to measures to ensure the safety of people with disabilities during an emergency situation at public postsecondary institutions.
  • HB 5355 by Rep. Diego Bernal, relating to allowable uses of the allotment for students with dyslexia or related disorders under the Foundation School Program.
  • HB 5358 by Rep. Eddie Morales, relating to the issuance of parking permits for people with disabilities by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • HB 5465 by Rep. Joe Moody, relating to procedures regarding people with a mental health condition or an intellectual or developmental disability.
  • HB 5608 by Rep. Vikki Goodwin, relating to certain requirements regarding people with disabilities enrolled in public institutions of higher education.
  • SB 2615 by Sen. Brandon Creighton, relating to restricting remote work by employees of public institutions of higher education.
  • SB 2704 by Sen. Brandon Creighton, relating to the requirement that certain state employees conduct agency business only at their regular place of employment.
  • SB 2751 by Sen. Angela Paxton, relating to the inspection of residential and day placement facilities for special education students.
  • SB 2753 by Sen. Bob Hall, relating to the time, place, and manner of voting, including abolishing early and absentee voting, providing for a voting period, and establishing voting centers.
  • SB 2818 by Sen. Paul Bettencourt, relating to training for peace officers on interacting with people with autism.
  • SB 2896 by Sen. Molly Cook, relating to the statewide intellectual and developmental disability coordinating council.

Stay Informed

Throughout the 89th Texas legislative session, you can stay up to date on how lawmakers address disability issues by following us on FacebookXInstagram, and LinkedIn. You can also check out our Policy section to learn more about our legislative engagement and find resources to support your own advocacy.

