Texas lawmakers are set to begin their next legislative session in January 2023, and it is essential that they understand the issues that are important to people with developmental disabilities (DD). TCDD recently released its Public Policy Priorities for the upcoming session, which include recommendations for legislators on a variety of disability-specific topics. 

To better promote the priorities at the Capitol, TCDD is gathering stories from people with disabilities, their family members, and professionals in the DD field. We are seeking information on how the priorities relate to real-life situations and affect people with DD in Texas. These stories will be shared with lawmakers and their staff as we make the case for policy change. TCDD is looking for stories related to the following priorities.  

  • Personal and Civil Rights: abuse, neglect, and exploitation; sexual assault; guardianship, voting, restraint and seclusion
  • Accessibility: accessible parking; accessible transportation; home modifications; city planning and development; inclusive meetings
  • Early Childhood and Inclusive Education: early childhood intervention services; early pickups, special education services, transition planning
  • Employment: employment first; subminimum wage; Medicaid waiver income limits; day habilitation
  • Health and Safety: Medicaid; complex mental health needs; emergency preparedness; plain language
  • Funding for Services: state budget
  • Attendant Wages and Training 

If one or more of these topics is important to you, share your story to help legislators better understand the experiences and needs of people with disabilities. The deadline to submit your story is Nov. 18, 2022.

