Impacts and Outcomes

Find out about our projects and their statewide impact.

Across the state, our grantees are advancing transformative work in their communities to increase accessibility, inclusion, equity, and diversity for Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. The following list includes just a few examples of recent grantee projects. 

Addressing Alternative Transportation Needs and Barriers

The Texas State Independent Living Council (SILC) coordinated annual statewide Transportation Works summits from 2016 to 2021, bringing together disability advocates, transportation professionals, and others to discuss alternative transportation needs and barriers for Texans with disabilities. Texas SILC published a report that includes policy recommendations and other insights from the summits.
PDL graduates in a web call with Judy Heumann

Developing New Leaders in the IDD Service Field

Partners in Disability Leadership, coordinated by The Arc of Texas, trains the next generation of leaders in the IDD service field to sustain knowledge and experience as existing leaders retire. Participants engage with each other, learn from experts, and develop projects to enhance their leadership capacity and influence positive change in their own organizations that serve Texans with IDD. Participants in the project’s inaugural class in 2020 developed projects on topics such as increasing self-determination among people receiving services, sharing resources to find health services, and increasing inclusionary practices in IDD service organizations.  

Training Educators in Dual Diagnosis

Project TEDD (Training Educators in Dual Diagnosis) provides special educators in Texas school districts with “train-the-trainer” workshops so they can go on to train other educators to recognize, understand, and work with students who are dually diagnosed with IDD and mental health conditions. The project is coordinated by the Virginia Murray Sowell Center for Research and Education in Sensory Disabilities, which is part of the Texas Tech University College of Education. In 2020, the project provided training to 27 teachers from 25 school districts within Education Service Center 17 in the Lubbock area.

Texas educators receive dual diagnosis training

Best Practices in Responding to COVID-19

See how our grantees have connected with their audiences in new ways and developed new approaches to deliver impact during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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