Texas Partners in Policymaking — Leadership Development and Advocacy Skills Training

Leadership Development and Advocacy Skills Training


Texas Partners in Policymaking
6201 E. Oltorf, Suite 600
Austin, Texas 78741
Texas Partners in Policymaking website

Project Co-ordinator
Genessee Klemm

Project Period
September 19, 2016 to August 31, 2021

Project Objective
This project will coordinate, manage, and facilitate advanced leadership and advocacy training of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities consistent with the Partners in Policymaking model using qualified speakers over multiple weekends; and evaluate and recommend improvements of the program.

State Plan Goal 3
Increase the access that individuals with developmental disabilities and families of individuals with developmental disabilities have to information, training, and support to advocate for themselves and/or to collaborate with allies to impact public policy, service systems, and community supports.



Geographic Reach

Statewide Map of Texas

Area of Emphasis
Leadership Development and Advocacy Skills Training

