Volar Independent Living Center — Upper Rio Grande IDD Community Support Network

Project Goal
Increase the capacity of organizations to provide community-based services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)

Project Summary
This project strengthened the Upper Rio Grande IDD Community Support Network, a diverse group of individuals and organizations in El Paso County. The network implemented a strategic plan that included transitional services, behavioral supports, and respite care for people with IDD. A goal of the project was to prevent unnecessary admissions to state-supported living centers.

Through the network, the Volar Center for Independent Living supported people with IDD to improve and maintain their health and have access to services and supports in their communities. The project also demonstrated barriers to education, employment, and community inclusion faced by people in the El Paso area. After the project ended, Volar continued serving as the network’s lead agency.

  • Impact
    • Helped more than 300 young adults with IDD develop independent living and leadership skills
    • Gave positive behavioral support training to 224 El Paso residents
    • Provided 391 hours of emergency respite care
    • Strengthened collaborative coalition of 40 community-based service providers
    • Organized training for 375 IDD service providers
    • Shared examples of successful higher education programs for people with IDD
    • Created a diagram to show the services and supports needed by people with IDD throughout their lives

Project Period
Jan 2013 – Oct 2019

1220 Golden Key Circle
El Paso, TX 79925

Geographic Reach
El Paso County