United Cerebral Palsy — Texas Disability Policy Consortium

Texas Disability Policy Consortium

[two_third]Project Goal
Identify, formulate positions on, and educate the public and policymakers regarding public policy issues of concern to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families.

Project Summary
The Texas Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) provided educational opportunities for member organizations and other state and local entities about the importance of advocacy, including through a DPC membership retreat, emergency preparedness summit, and housing and transportation summit. These conferences and trainings used a number of resources including reports, brochures, booklets, handouts, and other materials.

DPC held four legislative luncheons where it focused on common member issues and developed a tiered list of public policy issues, prioritized by the level of support and involvement of member organizations. DPC also encouraged participation from organizations outside the capital area through exhibits, conference presentations, and outreach activities, during which potential members received information about the benefit of joining DPC.

DPC disseminated information and resources about legislation and other policy related activities through its website, educational conference calls, and The Texas Action Update newsletter. DPC has supported its member organizations by contracting a legislative monitoring system to provide web-based “Action Alerts.”

  • Impact
    • Over 1600 individuals participated in DPC outreach activities
    • Over 500 individuals participated in DPC conferences and trainings
    • Over 200 individuals participated in legislative luncheons
    • Over 300 individuals participated in 13 educational conference calls
    • Over 40,000 unique visitors accessed the DPC website

Project Period
Jan 2005 – May 2009

1117 W. 42nd St.
Austin, TX 78756

Geographic Reach

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