United Cerebral Palsy of Texas — ASSET AmeriCorps

ASSET AmeriCorps

[two_third]Project Goal Support people with developmental disabilities (DD) to become more financially independent through supportive activities in areas of housing, financial literacy and assistive technology. Provide opportunities for people with DD to participate in AmeriCorps service. Project Summary ASSET AmeriCorps provided outreach to individuals with DD to spread the word about AmeriCorps opportunities through the Department of Rehabilitative Services, independent living centers and other disability groups. Applicants were assisted with the application process to ensure enrollment goals were reached. ASSET members planned, organized and implemented volunteer service days that involved people with DD and served as outreach opportunities for the service sites and the ASSET program in their communities. Members taught financial literacy skills, assisted with locating housing and connected individuals with assistive technology. Members used various methods for connecting people with DD to the services provided by their various service sites. Supervisors and members received training on program goals and administrative requirements during their mandatory orientation and mid-service training. Site visits were conducted at each site to identify additional training areas and provide support in challenge areas. AmeriCorps members received technical support and assistance in addition to monthly conference calls. In-service webinars were also conducted as needed for additional support.
  • Impact
    • 1,451 individuals received instruction on financial literacy
    • 1,956 individuals received assistance with locating housing
    • 680 individuals were connected with assistive technology
    • Members developed skills in event planning
[/two_third][one_third_last] Project Period Oct 2008 – May 2011 Geographic Reach Austin, Corpus Christi, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Waco/Killeen, Dallas and El Paso [/one_third_last]