United Cerebral Palsy — Biennial Report

Statewide Need
The Biennial Disability Report, a joint report of the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) and the Texas Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities on the state of services to individuals with developmental disabilities (DD), was mandated by Senate Bill 374, passed by the 76th Legislature in 1999. Additionally, TCDD entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs (TDHCA) to collaborate on the development of a report that addresses the availability of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing for people with DD. This procurement is needed to ensure that both reports give a complete picture of the state of services by including both quantitative data and personal stories that allow individuals with DD to speak directly to the needs and resources in their lives.

Project Goal
Design, plan, and hold 26 focus groups including people with DD, their families, and housing professionals/providers.

Project Summary
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) proposed to conduct, audio record, and photographically record at least 26 focus groups in the 13 Comptroller’s regions. This would allow UCP to gather available information from surveys being conducted by up to five advocacy organizations and state agencies as requested by TCDD and to interview Texans with DD individually regarding the services and supports they were receiving. The project was intended to provide TCDD with qualitative data to be used in the development of the 2004 Biennial Disability Report and to provide the TDHCA with qualitative data to be used in a statewide study of the housing needs of Texans with DD.

UCP was to convene at least 26 focus groups consisting of people with DD and their families, housing providers, case managers, and other health and human service professionals. Both sets of focus groups were to include rural, suburban, and urban areas; racial and ethnic representation that reflects the make-up of the state; and representation from the colonias. In addition, UCP was to individually interview individuals with DD and their family members about the quality, appropriateness, and sufficiency of the services and supports they receive.

Project Period

Mar 2004 – Dec 2004

Geographic Reach