The Enterprise Foundation — Community Leadership Development Project

Statewide Need
The Partners in Policymaking project has promoted citizen involvement and leadership and has demonstrated success in bringing people with developmental disabilities (DD) into leadership roles in a variety of community organizations. Texas was one of the first states to implement Partners in Policymaking, and, through this program, participants have individually and collectively been instrumental in creating systems change at all levels. While Partners in Policymaking is available to people throughout the state, some cannot make the commitment to the training for various reasons. Efforts are needed to provide additional opportunities for leadership development training at the local level.

Project Goal
Train participants through eight monthly training sessions, utilizing Partners in Policymaking graduates and local advocates serving as mentors.

Project Summary
The Community Partners Project provided opportunities for local leadership development training activities to address unique community issues and concerns. The project created a mechanism to provide leadership skills and training to many more people with DD and family members than is currently available through the Partners in Policymaking Project. Under this project, six communities completed local leadership training that addressed community issues, and three more classes were planned for Temple, Abilene, and Lufkin/Nacogdoches. Participants attended eight monthly training sessions, with Partners in Policymaking graduates and local advocates serving as mentors.

Project Period
Jul 2001 – May 2004

Geographic Reach
Austin, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Longview, San Angelo, and San Antonio