The Arc of Texas — School to Work Transition Local Demonstration Project (Alvin)

Project Goal
Form a local coalition to develop services for students to obtain and retain work as they graduate from school.

Project Summary
The Alvin School to Work project was intended to assist students with severe disabilities to enter into the workforce. A proposed coalition of agency staff, parents, students and employers would be committed to the implementation of services for students to obtain work as they enter adult life. A steering committee of key agency staff and advocates was to examine barriers, develop and implement new strategies, and determine actions steps. A Project Advisory Committee of community leaders would provide information to improve project outcomes. The project aimed to provide training and hands-on technical assistance to teachers and adult agency providers to use best practices, including person-centered planning and supported employment.


Project Period
Feb 1999 – Jan 2004

8001 Centre Park Drive, #100
Austin, TX 78754

Geographic Reach
Alvin Independent School District