Brazos Valley Employment Project


Statewide Need
National studies continue to indicate that people with disabilities have higher levels of unemployment than people without disabilities. In some cases self-employment can solve certain problems associated with unemployment and/or insufficient income; however, starting a small business or micro-enterprise can be difficult, especially for people who do not have the necessary capital or the borrowing power. Furthermore, working for oneself can result in isolation or difficulty finding ongoing social support. Other existing employment models have been successful in enabling many people with developmental disabilities (DD) to be employed successfully.

Project Goal
Improve the employability of secondary school students with DD by providing them with work-based learning and employment experiences through technical assistance and training for schools and employers.

Project Summary
Brazos Valley Employment Project (BVEP) implemented six employment demonstration sites at secondary schools selected via an application process. Schools were given information on several models of structured work experience programs, then assisted in conducting and using needs-assessment data to identify the type of program to use, staff to be involved, and students to participate. Work plans were developed to guide the implementation of each project.

Through the use of local transition teams with community stakeholders, cooperative partnerships were developed between the demonstration sites and community employers. BVEP conducted three annual Disability in the Workplace seminars to provide information to employers regarding recruiting, hiring and retaining employees with DD. BVEP provided technical assistance, training and evaluation to demonstration sites and employers in order to build partnerships and to develop school-based and community-based programs for students with DD to acquire work experience. Several structured work experience models were utilized in the project, including work-based learning, service learning and school-based enterprise. Projects included a cookie-based business, on-campus coffee shops and greenhouse operations.

Through the program students increased work habits and attitudes, as well as interpersonal relationship, cognitive and work performance skills. Teachers and other staff participated in technical assistance activities, including program development and implementation, employability skills measurement, job task analysis and work-based learning in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. Partnerships with local vendors provided expertise, training, opportunities for employment, and project sustainability.


Project Period
Sep 2007 – Aug 2010

College Station, TX 77843

Geographic Reach
Brazos Valley
