Texana MHMR Center — Positive Behavioral Supports Projects

Statewide Need
Behavioral issues are cited as a key factor in limiting inclusive and independent opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities (DD). Behaviors too frequently result in the use of inappropriate, intrusive, or restrictive measures. Positive behavioral supports (PBS) focus on utilizing empirically proven, positive techniques to enable individuals to reach their goals while preventing unnecessary restrictive actions. PBS are person centered and recognize that behaviors are functional in nature and are often a result of a person’s environment. Stakeholders indicate there is a lack of well-trained individuals working in this field in Texas. Schools are being encouraged to train staff to provide appropriate PBS to students.

Project Goal
Provide comprehensive PBS on a consultative basis through public school districts and community organizations that provide supports and services to children and adults. Train individuals to apply PBS and to teach these skills to others.

Project Summary
Texana Center developed a PBS training package based on a number of premises. The project determined that before training others in PBS, a consultant must be proficient in its skills. Behaviors to be addressed need to be determined through person-centered planning with a functional assessment, and intervention techniques must be implemented correctly in order to see behavior changes. Because the ability to implement or teach the techniques of PBS can’t be sufficiently taught in a one or two-day workshop, project training needs to include classroom instruction and fieldwork experience. Additionally, since PBS is a form of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and not a replacement to ABA, the skills to implement behavior-change techniques are specific and require proficiency.

Trainings were targeted toward teachers, supervisory staff responsible for developing or monitoring behavior intervention plans, and administrators responsible for approving behavior management procedures. Due to the scope of topics to be covered and the commitment of Texana to train participants to proficiency, the training was divided into five consecutive levels, allowing participants to gain proficient skills for different applications. Each level of training consisted of workshop trainings; one-on-one roleplay demonstrations; homework (which included worksheets and demonstration projects); practicum demonstration with at least two students in the natural classroom environment; and a final exam.

The first three levels taught clinical skills, including basic behavior management and teaching for one-on-one and classroom teaching. Level three covered more serious behavior challenges, while levels four and five were for those whose positions required them to teach other adults and administer programs.

Due to repeated requests from parents to join the classes, a parent training series and an in-home trainers mini-series were developed and presented. Near the end of the grant, standalone workshops and trainings were provided as they could be worked in for schools or agencies when there wasn’t time to schedule the complete training package.

  • Impact
    • 16 level-one classes, 13 level-two classes, six level-three classes, two level-four classes, and one level-five class were held
    • Over 288 individuals participated in at least the first level of training, representing 36 organizations
    • 90 parents participated in parent trainings
    • 225 school personnel participated in standalone workshops
    • Over 250 training hours were provided across all trainings and workshops
    • 11 participants received promotions, job offers, and/or went back to school for more training in behavior analysis as a result of the PBS classes

Project Period
Feb 2004 – Jun 2008

4910 Airport Ave.
Rosenberg, TX 77471

Geographic Reach
Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jefferson, Matagorda, Orange, Waller, and Wharton counties