Advocacy U Resource Center

[two_third]Statewide Need
There is a continued need for the development of training programs and resources to assist Texans with developmental disabilities and their families learn leadership and advocacy skills. To do this, leadership development and advocacy skills training programs must exist in many different areas around the state. Because it is unlikely that any one organization can provide enough funding to meet the demand, it is imperative that organizations that offer this kind of training work with others. This structure will support the development and/or expansion of sustainable leadership and advocacy training efforts.

Project Goal
Develop an interactive, accessible, and user-friendly website, containing information on training events in Texas, training modules, and newly developed or adapted training materials.

Project Summary
Project staff completed the design and launch of a fully accessible website with user friendly navigation and search capabilities. The site provided leadership development and advocacy training information organized into content categories consistent with major life areas of emphasis.

A component of the design also included a secure “partner” area of the site designed to facilitate ongoing participation by partner organizations with the shared goal of providing stakeholders with robust resources for leadership development and advocacy training information.

Staff completed a national and statewide search for leadership development and advocacy skills training materials, resources, and events. Content was identified for inclusion on the website, and the design of the site allowed for changes through addition of new materials and deletion of dated materials.

Technical support and training for current and new partners was supported by way of a partner training manual and online instructional video which was available through a private YouTube account.

The website had a soft launch in Spring 2011, which included a presentation at a statewide conference followed by subsequent tune-ups and large-scale public marketing of the site.


Project Period
Sep 2008 – Aug 2011

900 South Crouse Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13244

Geographic Reach

Statewide Map of Texas
Texas Map detail
