Region 17 Education Service Center — Positive Behavioral Supports Project: Impacting Disproportionally

Positive Behavioral Supports Project: Impacting Disproportionally


Statewide Need
The referral rate of African-American, Latino and special education students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to out-of-classroom placements including in and out-of-school suspension as well as alternative discipline programs is disproportionate to their peers. Special emphasis should be placed on interventions aimed at impacting this disproportionality with interventions, specifically with regards to resiliency, coping strategies and relationship building for groups of students and families impacted by low socioeconomic status.

Project Goal
Implement research-based strategies that have been shown to reduce the number of disciplinary referrals. Establish procedures to monitor at-risk students to prevent escalating disciplinary action and support their success in schools.

Project Summary
Workshops were provided to campuses on a variety of topics that address racial and cultural differences, working with English language learners, and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Workshop evaluations and anecdotal feedback from campus administrators and staff indicate that staff knowledge of culturally relevant classroom strategies and behavior intervention skills have been increased.

The ongoing project, Transforming through Transition (T3), developed for the eighth-grade class at Brownfield Middle School by the Texas Tech University Center for Prevention and Resiliency, is a by-product of this Impacting Disproportionality project. T3 aims to prepare middle school students for a successful transition to high school as individuals and as a cohort.

  • Impact
    • More campuses within Region 17 are practicing PBIS, increasing the number of students served
    • Campus and district leadership teams are more aware of the impact that behavior and discipline have in meeting the state and national academic accountability standards


Project Period
Jun 2008 – May 2013

1111 West Loop 289
Lubbock, TX 79416

Geographic Reach

Orange shape of Texas indicating state wide coverage
