Friends and Family of Asians with Special Needs —Outreach and Development Project

FFASN Grantee logo

Outreach and Development Project


  • Impact
    • Two workshops trained 174 participants representing 101 families
      • The workshops assisted parents to understand and to fully access services and resources
      • The workshops educated parents on long-term planning issues including advocacy
    • Partnerships were developed with local agencies
    • Awareness was raised by and for 16 speakers, over 25 volunteers, and 15 business sponsors
    • Grant activities increased Friends and Family of Asians with Special Needs (FFASN) membership by 71%
    • Arc of Greater Houston adopted “A Guide for Parents/Guardians of Persons with Special Needs” as a tool to help families they serve
    • Workshop handouts are available on the FFASN website to help families with a “One Stop” information site, and selected key topics are translated into Chinese

Statewide Need
Information from health, education, and social service agencies shows that people who are black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, or Native American are often less likely to receive the services and supports needed to be fully included in their communities. Frequently, available services and supports are not culturally competent. Support groups can help people receive culturally competent services and supports so that they can be fully included in their community. These groups can also help the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities better understand how to create change so that services can be provided in ways that are a good fit with the cultural values, characteristics, and customs of the people they serve.

Project Goal
Identify the unique needs of Asian families of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Educate parents about community resources, assist and encourage them to utilize services, and train them to be more effective advocates for their children. Promote public awareness within Asian communities of the needs and challenges facing families of children with IDD. Educate professionals to be culturally sensitive service providers.

Project Summary
FFASN held two full-day workshops that assisted parents to understand and access available services and resources, and educated them on long-term planning issues and advocacy. The workshops involved second generation family members, focusing on the tasks facing them as a family member of someone with IDD.

Through the workshops, FFASN developed collaborative partnerships with service agencies and increased community awareness of the challenges facing Asians with IDD. Guest speakers and local business sponsors participated in the events and further public awareness was raised through a pre and post-workshop press release featured in a Chinese community newspaper and TV station.

Handouts from both workshops on key topics such as “Texas Programs,” “Supplemental Security Income,” “Guardianship,” and “Long Term Planning” were translated into Chinese. Another resource, “A Guide for Parents/Guardians of Persons with Special Needs,” offered a road map as a quick reference for parents on when to take action and from whom to seek assistance.


Project Period
Feb 2011 – Jan 2012

P.O. Box 421766
Houston, TX 77242

Geographic Reach

Statewide Map of Texas
