Family to Family Network — Connections: A Facilitator’s Guide for Families of Children with Disabilities

Project Goal
Ensure that children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are achieving their maximum potential in the public education system and educate parents on best practices and strategies to use when working with the school system.

Project Summary
Family to Family (F2F) created a facilitator’s guide called “Connections: Creating a Positive School Culture by Uniting Families and Schools” for organizations across the state to use to train parents. The project utilized a train the trainer model that provided training to parents and professionals who were committed to training others around the state on how to use the manual and the activities in it. F2F continually evaluated the manual’s effectiveness and made changes periodically based on need. Additionally, F2F marketed and distributed the program to ensure sustainability. The project ensured that children with IDD could achieve their maximum potential in the public education system and educated parents on education best practices and strategies to use when working with the school system.

Project Period
Jun 2001 – May 2004

16255 Park Ten Pl. #500
Houston, TX 77084

Geographic Reach