Family to Family Network — Developmental Disabilities Policy Fellows

Project Objective
The goal of this project is to increase the number of persons with the knowledge and skills to engage in public policy activities to help individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities become fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. The Fellow to will be able to work at the national, state and community levels on issues that address major social and health conditions facing persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities. The fellow will address employment, the issue of work incentives and financial security for persons with disabilities. The mentor will help develop the fellow’s deep understanding of policies that impact people with developmental disabilities and increase the fellow’s skills to promote self-determination and self-advocacy in the policy environment which will help them collaborate with self-advocates and family members. The Fellow is expected to have a positive impact on public policy, service systems and community support.

State Plan Goal 3
Goal 3: Promote Advocacy Including Self Advocacy – Increase the access that individuals with developmental disabilities and families of individuals with developmental disabilities have to information, training, and support to advocate for themselves and/or to collaborate with allies to impact public policy, service systems, and community supports.

Objective 3.2: Support people with developmental disabilities to provide leadership development and advocacy skills training programs to people with developmental disabilities each year by 9/30/2021.

Project News
Family to Family Network Selects TCDD Policy Fellow
Ricardo Atkinson has been selected as the Family to Family Network’s TCDD Policy Fellow. Ricardo’s experience as a sibling of a person with a disability has fueled his desire to improve the lives of people with DD.

Project Director
Mary Jane Williams

Project Period
August 8, 2018 — July 31, 2020

Geographic Reach
Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery and Waller Counties

Area of Emphasis