Dallas Metrocare Services — Dallas Transitioning

Project Goal
Provide supported employment services to graduating students with developmental disabilities who need but usually do not access these services.

Project Summary
Through coordination with the Dallas Independent School District (DISD), Dallas Metrocare Services (DMS) aimed to address the need to provide quality supported employment services to graduating students. These Career Design and Development Services were to be provided to student groups who historically do not access services after graduation.

DMS intended to place trained staff, a business advisory committee with consumer input, and a district wide referral process within DISD over three years with a goal of at least 40 successful employment placements. DISD would assume the responsibility of providing continued quality supported employment services to students and parents at the end of the project.

Project Period

July 2002 – May 2005

1345 River Bend Drive Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75247

Geographic Reach