Centro de Mi Salud — Outreach and Development Project

Outreach and Development Project


Statewide Need
More than half of Texans are black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian or Native American and are less likely to receive the services and support their family needs. We can better understand the different values, cultures, and customs in Texas to inform the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities’ future advocacy work, planning and grant project development. We hope to do this by building relationships with organizations that are working to improve the lives of individuals from ethnic minority cultures, to support leaders to change the systems that provide supports and services, and to assist people of ethnic minorities who have developmental disabilities (DD) to have better access to services and supports.

Project Goal
Offer training for disability service providers to make their services more culturally appropriate.

Project Summary
Centro de Mi Salud proposed to help train disability service providers about the background of Latino-Hispanic culture and to understand how individuals’ level of acculturation can impact their decisions and access to healthcare services. Cultural awareness can decrease the barriers to accessing appropriate services and to empower the people with DD and their families to identify and manage their physical, psychological and psychiatric problems with better support from providers.

Centro de Mi Salud intended to organize presentations for school counselors, as well as nonprofit and for-profit agencies, and to provide an open house at Centro de Mi Salud for people with DD to help them access services in the community. They also planned to organize a radio talk show to discuss Hispanic/Latino culture and its impact on physical and mental health treatment and develop Spanish and Portuguese language flyers with information about community resources.


Project Period
Sep 2012 – Aug 2013

628-A Centre St.
Dallas, TX 75208

Geographic Reach

Texas map
