The Arc of El Paso — Outreach and Development Project

Statewide Need 
More than half of Texans are black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, or Native American and are less likely to receive the services and supports needed for full inclusion in their communities. Frequently, available services and supports are not culturally competent. Support groups can help people receive culturally competent services and supports so that they can be fully included in their communities. These groups can also help the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities better understand how to create change so that services can be provided in ways that are a good fit with the cultural values, characteristics and customs of the people they serve.

Project Goal
Provide high quality, culturally competent home and community-based services and supports to the largely Hispanic/Latino population of El Paso. Develop a marketing and public relations campaign and hire a program manager to start day habilitation. This is expected to increase the non-profit’s membership and financial sponsors and inform individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families of a new social service agency committed to providing high quality, culturally competent services and supports. The proposed model of care for day habilitation will be grounded in person-centered philosophy, in which each individual and family is engaged as a partner to prepare an individual plan of care with a goal of community involvement through volunteerism and vocational opportunities.

Project Summary
A website and Facebook page for the Arc of El Paso were created, in addition to other marketing materials. The Arc of El Paso delivered 3,000 brochures to schools, agencies, doctors’ offices, fairs, community meetings, and other public events.

Three quarterly meetings and one Fun Run with over 500 participants were held. These events raised awareness of supports offered to people with IDD, and the need for quality services in El Paso.

A program manager for Jacob’s Arc Learning Center was hired and the learning center began its start-up phase. The Learning Center is expected to provide an alternative to the existing over-crowded day programs for adults with IDD and offer a small home-based environment with low staff-to-client ratio and individualized high-quality services.

As a result of the marketing and public relations campaign, the El Paso Water Utilities adopted the Arc of El Paso as their 2015 charity.

  • Impact
    • 500 people participated in a Fun Run
    • 3,000 brochures also had an impact on the community as these brochures were delivered to schools, agencies, doctors’ offices, fairs, community meetings and other public events
    • Families have another viable, family-friendly option for long-term services and supports for individuals with IDD

Project Period
Jan 2014 – Dec 2014

2405 Altura
El Paso, TX 79930

Geographic Reach
El Paso