Apalachicola Creek Indians — Outreach and Development Project

Outreach and Development Project

[two_third]Statewide Need
Information from health, education and social service agencies shows that people who are black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian or Native American are often less likely to receive the services and supports needed to be fully included in their communities. Frequently, available services and supports are not culturally competent. Support groups can help people receive culturally competent services and supports so that they can be fully included in their communities. These groups can also provide feedback on how to create change so that services can be provided in ways that are a good fit with the cultural values, characteristics and customs of the people they serve.

Project Goal
Evaluate tribal information and referral (I&R) outreach efforts and assess consumer satisfaction. Increase overall understanding of services and supports provided to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in the community, fill knowledge gaps to prioritize needs, and improve services to consumers.

Project Summary
A survey was conducted consisting of 25 individuals with IDD or their families (with information pulled from I&R case records). The participants were surveyed in English, Muskogee or Spanish over the telephone or through in-person interviews. Most participants reported they were satisfied with the tribal I&R services and staff, and pleased with referred service providers. Most survey participants desired more community involvement, and all participants wanted more independence for themselves or their loved ones.

Through the grant, three projects were developed based on survey findings:

    • Cooking for Independent Living hosted multicultural students in a class designed for them to learn skills necessary for living independently in the community.
    • The Rodeo Reading program encouraged inclusion by teaching young readers the history of the rodeo in Texas, how to use public library resources, and community behavior protocols that were practiced at a live rodeo with a free ticket included with the program.
    • The Community Gospel Choir helped participants learn to work as a team, concentrate, share and stay in tune. The choir performed for its community.


Project Period
Jan 2011 – Dec 2011

Geographic Reach
Statewide Rural Areas
