Advocacy, Inc. — Texas Community Integration Collaborative

Project Goal
Work to increase the number of people recommended for community placement and the number of individuals who move into community settings. Improve the process by which people living in institutions are notified about and provided with community support services.

Project Summary
The Texas Community Integration Project was designed to assist people with developmental disabilities of all ages who live in state schools, intermediate care facilities, and nursing homes to move to the community. The project intended to increase the number of people recommended for community placement and the number of individuals who move into community settings. The project was also designed to improve the process by which people living in institutions are notified about and provided with community support services. The project aimed to increase the knowledge and use of principles of self-determination and person-centered planning processes by people involved in placement decisions. The projected also expected to develop model procedures and processes to identify, refer, and assist individuals desiring to move from institutions to community settings.

Project Period
Jun 2001 – May 2003

2222 W. Braker Ln.
Austin, TX 78758

Geographic Reach