The Arc of the Capital Area — Meaningful Day Project

Project Goal
Expand job opportunities for people with developmental disabilities (DD) who are employed or are seeking employment in the community jobs of their choice.

Project Summary
Meaningful Day projects improve access to meaningful employment and community activities for people with disabilities. Grantees test models and build organizational capacity to help people with disabilities achieve meaningful outcomes.

The Education Program and the Supported Employment Program at The Arc of the Capital Area coordinated classes and hands-on training practicums to support people with DD who were seeking employment in their communities. Participants learned and practiced employment-related tasks and skills, including developing career goals, building resumes, interviewing for jobs, completing job tasks, and interacting with coworkers and supervisors. Project activities helped The Arc of the Capital Area develop ongoing training and support for participants to transition from the Supported Employment Program into competitive jobs in their communities.

Project Period
February 2020 to January 2021

4902 Grover Ave.
Austin, TX 78756

Geographic Reach
Travis and Williamson counties