The Arc of the Capital Area — Community Inclusion Project

Project Goal Improve access to technology and provide online programs to support continuing education, engagement, and inclusion for people with developmental disabilities (DD) who may experience isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic

Project Summary Through TCDD Community Inclusion projects, organizations create opportunities and address barriers so people with disabilities can experience full community life. Full community inclusion is defined as participating in education, employment, and social activities in the community alongside people both with and without disabilities. Ultimately, the goal of these projects is to produce short-term and long-term systems change. The Arc of the Capital Area partnered with Dell Technologies to provide people with DD with computers and other technology equipment so they could participate in online art and education classes. The project supported people with DD in accessing community engagement and educational resources while practicing social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Project Period
August 2020 to July 2021

4902 Grover Ave.
Austin, TX 78756

Geographic Reach
Travis and Williamson counties