Texas State University — Inclusive Postsecondary Education (New Initiative)

Project Goal
Create an affordable and sustainable four-year inclusive postsecondary education project for students with developmental disabilities (DD)

Project Summary
Texas State University is developing a four-year postsecondary education project for young adults with DD. The project, called Bobcat RISE (Resilience, Independence, Self-Determination, and Empowerment), utilizes the expertise of the university’s College of Education in special education, developmental education, and therapeutic recreation. In addition to educating students, the project creates inclusion training programs for university faculty and staff.

Students in the project:

  • take self-selected interdisciplinary courses related to individual career goals;
  • participate in service-learning opportunities and internships; and
  • utilize options for fully integrated living with other Texas State students.   

TCDD funds New Initiative projects to create new ways for Texans with DD to be included in their communities. New Initiative projects identify and propose innovative solutions to a statewide, regional, or local need. The projects may include programs, partnerships, or policy initiatives to address specific needs that emerge. The projects may also focus on benefiting unserved or underserved groups.

Project Start
September 2022

601 University Drive 
San Marcos, TX 78666

Geographic Reach
