Texas Parent to Parent — Pathways to Adulthood Transition Program (New Initiative)

Project Summary
Texas Parent to Parent established a transition center and personal support network to guide and support families of youth with developmental disabilities (DD) transitioning into adulthood. The transition period — the time between the end of grade school and adulthood — can be difficult for families of children with DD. Many families lack access to services and support for their children or rely on a patchwork of support that can be unreliable or include long waiting lists.

Texas Parent to Parent provided comprehensive transition training, one-on-one guidance, and group support to families. Through the project, families received information and assistance to develop plans for their children that focus on the components of a good life: loving friends and family, a home of one’s own, financial security, participation in decision-making, and the ability to contribute one’s unique gifts. After participating in the project, families were better able to navigate the special education and complex community support systems to keep people with DD living in their homes. Community partners also saw the value in the support provided to families and awarded grants to continue the work of the Transition Center.

TCDD funds New Initiative projects to create new ways for Texans with DD to be included in their communities. New Initiative projects identify and propose innovative solutions to a statewide, regional, or local need. The projects may include programs, partnerships, or policy initiatives to address specific needs that emerge. The projects may also focus on benefiting unserved or underserved groups.

Project Highlights

  • Provided training and support to 800 families as well as people with DD, professionals, and educators on the many facets of the transition into adulthood and the resources that exist to help with this process
  • Created and enhanced planning tools, project documents, and train-the-trainer modules
  • Helped youth and families start personal networks and develop individual life-planning goals
  • Encouraged participants to build their self-advocacy to speak about what they want and need
  • Supported families in navigating admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) meetings as well as understanding their rights to receive educational support and Medicaid services

Personal Impact Story
Texas Parent to Parent supported a family in setting long-term goals for their adult son. The family was new to Texas, had no services in place, and had been denied a Medicaid waiver. With one-on-one assistance from Transition Center staff, the family was able to connect with Medicaid experts to appeal and eventually overturn the waiver denial. The family’s son was able to receive nursing care, personal assistance service, therapy, and case management. These services help the son continue living at home with his family.

Pathways to Adulthood Transition Center: This website includes resources, videos, training, and other information to support families with children with DD who are entering adulthood.

Project Period
September 2019 to August 2023

Geographic Reach
South Central Texas