SAFE Alliance — Youth Leadership Development

Project Summary
The SAFE Alliance created a replicable and sustainable youth leadership development program to support students with developmental disabilities (DD) between 18 and 22 years old. Participants shared information, developed skills, and established personal plans to become advocates and leaders promoting safe and healthy relationships; community inclusion; and other disability, human and civil rights. SAFE developed a leadership and advocacy training model with input from students, community members, self-advocates, and other disability leaders. Ultimately, the project decreased isolation and segregation; increased knowledge, skills, and access to support; promoted leadership and self-advocacy skills; and informed youth about community resources.

Project Highlights

  • Designed a training curriculum called My Rights My Life that focuses on self-advocacy, leadership, and safer and healthy relationships
  • Supported nearly 500 young adults with DD through training classes and other project activities to increase their leadership and advocacy skills
  • Two training participants became project co-trainers, and one of them was later hired by SAFE Alliance’s Disability Services program


My Rights My Life Curriculum: Inclusive and accessible training on healthy relationships and safer sexuality for young adults with DD

Project Period
September 2017 to August 2022

Geographic Area
Travis County