Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center — Partners in Academic Leadership

Project Goal
Provide specialized self-advocacy training to youth with developmental disabilities (DD) that supports their self-determination and fosters meaningful participation in planning their education

Project Summary
Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center seeks to create a culture in local schools where students with DD can actively participate in planning their present and future education to achieve greater autonomy and post-secondary educational success.

This project:

  • supports participants in developing knowledge and skills in ways that support self-advocacy;
  • engages and trains participants so they can meaningfully participate in their admission, review, and dismissal processes; and
  • enhances participants’ ability to engage in broader advocacy and awareness.

Through leadership development and advocacy training for youth self-advocates, TCDD funds opportunities for youth with DD to develop as leaders and advocates for themselves and their peers. These projects generally include participants 14-21 years old, and projects can use existing training resources or develop unique programs based on local or organizational needs.

Project Start
December 2022

1101 E. Schuster Ave.
El Paso, TX 79902

Geographic Reach

El Paso County