Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center — Help Me Grow El Paso (New Initiative)

Project Goal
Establish an intake center in El Paso to help families of young children with developmental disabilities (DD), providers, and community members find services and navigate the network of resources available in their communities 

Project Summary
Using the Help Me Grow early childhood system model, the Paso del Norte Children’s Development Center will pilot a program to establish and support a comprehensive system that connects young children with DD and their families with DD-related services. The project will establish a central intake hub and an early childhood resource directory to help families, providers, and community members navigate complex resource and service systems. Through outreach and promotion, the project will also increase public awareness of developmental disabilities.

TCDD funds New Initiative projects to create new ways for Texans with DD to be included in their communities. New Initiative projects identify and propose innovative solutions to a statewide, regional, or local need. The projects may include programs, partnerships, or policy initiatives to address specific needs that emerge. The projects may also focus on benefiting unserved or underserved groups.

Project Start
August 2022

1101 E. Schuster Ave.
El Paso, TX 79902

Geographic Reach

El Paso County