NAMI Texas — Developmental Disabilities Policy Fellow

Project Goal
Hire and train an aspiring policy professional to develop the knowledge and skills to effectively participate in state-level policy related to mental health care and developmental disabilities (DD)

Project Summary
DD Policy Fellow projects increase the number of people with the knowledge and skills needed to engage in public policy activities to help people with DD become fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. Policy Fellows work at national, state, and community levels on issues that address major social and health conditions facing people with DD. 

The NAMI Texas Policy Fellow will facilitate meetings and develop training for aspiring advocates; connect with policymakers and provide testimony on legislation involving DD and mental health issues; and support coalition building as well as public education and awareness. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. 

Project Start
August 2022

4110 Guadalupe St., Bldg. 745, Room 428
Austin, TX 78751

Geographic Reach
