Coalition of Texans with Disabilities — Developmental Disabilities Policy Fellow

Project Goal
Provide support for a new public policy professional to join the developmental disabilities (DD) field and push for systems change that will give people with DD greater control over their lives

Project Summary
DD Policy Fellow projects increase the number of people with the knowledge and skills needed to engage in public policy activities to help people with DD become fully included in their communities and exercise control over their own lives. Policy Fellows work at national, state, and community levels on issues that address major social and health conditions facing people with DD.

Through training and research projects, the Policy Fellow at the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities will develop a deep understanding of policy issues that matter to Texans with DD with a primary focus on juvenile and criminal justice. The Fellow will develop training for self-advocates and family members from diverse backgrounds while actively participating in DD and cross-disability communities. 

Project Start
July 2022

1716 San Antonio St.
Austin, TX 78701

Geographic Reach
