Alamo Area Council of Governments — Adults with DD Supporting Aging Family Members

Project Goal
Develop classes and support for people with developmental disabilities (DD) who want to provide caregiving to aging family members

Project Summary
The Alamo Area Council of Governments is developing a training program and curriculum to help people with DD learn and improve skills to provide care to their aging family members. The program also focuses on education and support related to self-care and avoiding caregiver burnout. Training classes develop participants’ capacity to help others with day-to-day activities, including topics such as:  

  • personal care;
  • nutrition;
  • companionship;
  • medical support;
  • mobility;
  • household maintenance; and
  • financial and emergency planning.

TCDD supports projects that develop educational resources so people with DD can fully participate in the care of aging family members. These projects help people with DD understand how to care for aging family members; strengthen networks for people with DD to connect with each other and meet the needs of aging family members; and promote person-directed communication with family.


Project Start
June 2023

2700 NE Loop 410,
Ste. 101
San Antonio, TX 78217
Geographic Reach
