Fact Sheets, Infographics, and Publications



Ableism can be found in all areas of our communities. We must all work together to end it.

Ableism one page fact sheet thumbnail

Ableism – English (PDF, 3.4 MB, 1 page)

Ableism – Español (PDF, 3.5 MB, 1 page)

Ableism (Workplace)

Workplace Ableism Thumbnail

Ableism – English (PDF, 336KB MB, 1 page)

Community Living – Fact Sheet

All people with disabilities should have access to the services and supports when and where they need them. However, Texas currently does not serve every person in need. This fact sheet covers why the long-term services and supports needs of many Texans with IDD are not being met, and it provides examples and recommendations for increasing access to services so more people can live in the community.

Supporting Positive Behavior InfoGraphic Thumbnail

Community Living (PDF, 544 KB, 2 pages)

Community Living – Infographics

IDD Residential Programs Cost Comparison Infographic

IDD Residential Programs Cost Comparison Infographic (JPG, 467 KB)

high Needs Clients Residence

Where Do People with Complex Medical and Behavioral Support Needs Live? Infographic (JPG, 531 KB)

Employment First

Texas law and policy state that earning a living wage through competitive integrated employment is the first and preferred outcome for adults with disabilities who receive public benefits. This fact sheet provides information about Employment First and makes the case for increasing competitive integrated employment in Texas.

Employment First PDF thumbnail

Employment First (PDF, 529 KB, 2 pages)

Extending Health Insurance After Age 26

Find out what you need to know about extending health insurance coverage for adults with disabilities once they reach age 26.

Extending Health Insurance After Age 26

 Extending Health Insurance After Age 26 (PDF)

Extensión del seguro de salud (PDF)

Guardianship and Supported Decision Making

  Alternatives to Guardianship Infographic

 Alternatives to Guardianship Infographic (JPG, 775 KB)

How a Bill Becomes Law in Texas

Diagram of light blue and dark blue boxes showing the path a bill goes through to become a law in Texas.

How a Bill Becomes a Law in Texas Infographic (PDF, 4.7 MB, 1 page)

Còmo un Proyecto de Ley Se Convierte en Ley en Texas (PDF, 4.7 MB, 1 page)

Medicaid and IDD in Texas

This fact sheet provides information on how access to Medicaid services impacts people with IDD in Texas. The fact sheet covers some of the Medicaid programs that help people with IDD participate in community life, where Texas ranks compared to other states, and more.

Medicaid and IDD pdf thumbnail

Medicaid and IDD in Texas (PDF, 338 KB, 1 page)

State Supported Living Centers

Texas has the highest institutionalized population of individuals with IDD of any state – 11.5% of the U.S. total. Yet, there are 10 times as many people with the highest level of need supported with waiver services in the community than there are in State Supported Living Centers (SSLCs). This fact sheet makes the case for consolidating SSLCs and improving community services so more people with complex needs can live in the community. 

State supported living centers PDF thumbnail

State Supported Living Centers (PDF, 382 KB, 2 pages)

Supporting Positive Behavior in Kids with Down Syndrome

Supporting Positive Behavior InfoGraphic Thumbnail

Supporting Positive Behavior in children and teens with Down Syndrome Graphic (PDF, 284 KB)

Texas Managed Care Programs

Texas Managed Care Programs inforgraphic scaled

 Texas Managed Care Programs Infographic (JPG, 591 KB)

Publications and Multimedia

TCDD offers copies of the materials on this page free of charge by request through our online Materials Order Form. Most of the materials produced by the TCDD may by copied or reprinted with the understanding that proper credit be given. Please contact us for information on reproducing TCDD materials.

Higher Education Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities

Graphic of TCDD Higher Education Resource Guide Cover art

Higher Education Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Guía de recursos de la educación superior para estudiantes con discapacidades (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Higher Education Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities (Searchable Table)

The Next Step: Video and Discussion Guide

To challenge students with disabilities to consider higher education, “The Next Step” presents the stories of five Texans with disabilities who enrolled in colleges, universities or technical schools.

Next Step Video and Discussion Guide

View “The Next Step” video and discussion materials in English and Spanish

Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights

The U.S. Department of Transportation has recently released the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights. The document describes the fundamental rights of air travelers with disabilities under the Air Carrier Access Act and its implementing regulation.

Airline Passengers with Disabilities BILL OF RIGHTS July 2022 Thumbnail IMG

View “Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights July 2022” (PDF, 373 KB)

Learn more about the Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights on the transportation.gov website.


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