Texas COVID Stories

1 year, 6 months and 3 months after initial state shutdowns

[toc] The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) continues to monitor how people with disabilities and their families are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, we conducted two surveys to learn about the effects of the initial shutdown, school and workplace changes, social distancing, and other disruptions to daily life. In April 2021,  we conducted a third survey to learn how the ongoing pandemic continues to affect our lives and access to resources.

1 Year After Initial State Shutdowns

One year after initial state shutdowns, a third survey was conducted to learn how Texans with disabilities and their families were navigating the ongoing pandemic. Respondents were asked if access to basic needs and health care had improved, worsened, or remained the same over the past six months. Additionally, they were asked if they had received a COVID-19 vaccine and to share their vaccine experiences. A total of 135 people participated in the Spring 2021 survey. You can read selected stories to learn more about the experiences of Texans with disabilities, family members, educators, caregivers, and service providers in their own words.    
6 Months After Initial State Shutdowns A second survey was conducted in summer 2020 to learn how Texans with disabilities and their families were navigating the pandemic six months after initial state shutdowns. Participants were asked if access to needs such as therapies and health care had gotten worse, gotten better, or stayed the same. They were also asked about their level of concern around COVID-related topics such as virtual learning and safety in the workplace. In total, 114 Texans completed the survey. Read selected stories to learn more about their experiences.

3 Months After Initial State Shutdowns

In spring 2020, Texans were asked if COVID-19 had disrupted their access to services, if they had been able to stay safe during the pandemic, and whom they called if they needed help. Nearly 90 people participated in the first round of Texas COVID Stories. Almost a third of respondents were self-advocates. You can read some of the stories submitted by people from across Texas.  

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