Texas Partners in Policymaking (Partners) is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 program year. The application period opened on Jan.26, 2022, and closed on March 25, 2022.

Partners is an innovative statewide leadership development program for people with developmental disabilities (DD) and family members of people with DD. During the training program, participants learn from local and national experts about topics such as:

  • community living,
  • disability history,
  • employment,
  • inclusive education,
  • the Texas Legislature, and more.

Participants will also learn tactics and strategies to advocate for disability issues and impact policy change. In addition, participants complete a capstone project of their choosing that impacts their community.

Graduates often serve on boards, councils, task forces, and advisory committees. Some run for elected office. Partners aims to advance systems change – creating, working toward, and achieving a vision of shared values regarding people with disabilities in communities across Texas.

The program consists of six two-day training sessions held monthly from September to April. There is no cost to participate in the program, and authorized travel costs will be covered. Only Texas residents are eligible to apply. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 25, 2022.

To learn more about the program, visit the Apply webpage on the Texas Partners in Policymaking Website. For updates, please subscribe to the Texas Partners in Policymaking newsletter.


About the program: Established in 1987, numerous Partners in Policymaking™ programs have been conducted in the United States and around the globe, resulting in more than 27,000 graduates worldwide who are creating positive change in their communities. Texas Partners in Policymaking is a project of the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities.

