Share Project & Activity Ideas

We welcome project and activity ideas to achieve the goals and objectives in our state plan. Organizations or individuals may submit ideas at any time. The Council will review submitted ideas at least twice a year and may recommend developing an idea into specific activities that may be implemented through:

  • a grant awarded through a competitive Request for Applications process;
  • adding to or changing the activities of a current project;
  • contracting with an individual, organization, or agency;
  • expanding or changing TCDD staff activities; or
  • another appropriate mechanism.

In particular, we seek ideas that are likely to create lasting change or establish programs that will continue to exist after the Council’s funding support ends. TCDD does not accept requests for funding for a specific project or activity except for those submitted in response to a formal Request for Applications.

Generally, the Council does not fund:

  • operational costs for existing programs;
  • start-up costs for new businesses or organizations;
  • buildings, vehicles, or large equipment (such as playground equipment);
  • programs that are not fully inclusive;
  • direct support services; or
  • therapy or treatment (including hippotherapy or creative and expressive arts therapies).

Share Your Idea

By submitting your idea, please understand that other organizations may use this idea with or without giving credit to the submitter. Fields with an * asterisk are a required field.

* Indicates a required field.

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