Key Takeaways From the May 2021 Council Meeting
During its spring meetings, the Council awarded funding to continue the development of TCDD projects, received updates on the Texas Legislature, and discussed future activities and policy work.
During its spring meetings, the Council awarded funding to continue the development of TCDD projects, received updates on the Texas Legislature, and discussed future activities and policy work.
In the session’s waning days, lawmakers will discuss some proposed bills in formal meetings rather than public hearings, making it an important time for advocates to contact their legislators.
With the regular session concluding at the end of the month, learn what lawmakers mean when they refer to a “vehicle” or a “Christmas tree.” Also, see some of the hearings we’re monitoring this week.
Lawmakers continue to work on the state’s next two-year budget while several legislative deadlines approach.
We are looking for an undergraduate or graduate student intern passionate about accessible web design.
The 87th regular session is over. But after a weekend of tension over a controversial bill related to state election rules, Texas lawmakers are expected to return for a special session.
In his role, Rey oversees daily accounting and TCDD budget projections. He joined TCDD on May 17, 2021.
It’s crunch time for the House and Senate as the 87th regular session enters its final days. Lawmakers adjourn sine die on May 31.
With 14 days left in the session, both the House and Senate are winding down their consideration of bills. Still, there are several important hearings this week on disability-related legislation.
During its spring meetings, the Council awarded funding to continue the development of TCDD projects, received updates on the Texas Legislature, and discussed future activities and policy work.
The 87th regular session is over. But after a weekend of tension over a controversial bill related to state election rules, Texas lawmakers are expected to return for a special session.
In his role, Rey oversees daily accounting and TCDD budget projections. He joined TCDD on May 17, 2021.
It’s crunch time for the House and Senate as the 87th regular session enters its final days. Lawmakers adjourn sine die on May 31.
With 14 days left in the session, both the House and Senate are winding down their consideration of bills. Still, there are several important hearings this week on disability-related legislation.
During its spring meetings, the Council awarded funding to continue the development of TCDD projects, received updates on the Texas Legislature, and discussed future activities and policy work.
6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
Phone: 512-437-5432
Toll-Free: 1-800-262-0334
TCDD welcomes innovative ideas and suggestions of activities to implement the Goals and Objectives in the TCDD State Plan.
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6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
Phone: 512-437-5432
Toll-Free: 1-800-262-0334
TCDD is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for everyone. We continually work on compliance, applying best practices and web standards. To learn more, read our accessibility statement.
6201 E. Oltorf St., Ste. 600
Austin, TX 78741-7509
This work is supported by a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Washington, D.C. 20201 with a 100% federal funding award totaling $6,175,796. Council efforts are those of the grantee and do not necessarily represent the official views of nor are endorsed by ACL, HHS, or the U.S. government.
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